Incubation Period and Clutch Size for Parrot Species

Following is a table of various parrot species, their scientific names, clutch size and incubation period. This is meant to be a guide for breeders. The incubation day count begins from the day proper incubation is started by the birds or in the incubator and not from the day the egg was laid. Always check eggs via candling before discarding.

Species Scientific Name Clutch Size Incubation Period
Adelaide Rosella  Platycercus adelaidae 4 - 7 eggs 21 days
African Grey Parrots Psittacus erithacus erithacus 3 - 4 eggs  28 days
Alexandrine Parakeet  Psittacula Eupatria 2 - 4 Eggs 28 Days
Amboina King Parakeets  Alisterus amboinensis 3 eggs  21 days
Antipodes Green Parrot or Antipodes Island Parakeet  Cyanoramphus unicolor 2 - 6 eggs  26 days
Bare-eyed Cockatoo or Little Corella  Cacatua sanguinea: normantomi, sanguinea) 2 - 3 eggs 21 - 27 days
Barraband's Parrot or Orange-cheeked Parrot  Pionopsitta barrabandi 4 - 6 eggs  20 days
Barred Parakeets  Bolborhynchus lineola 3 - 6 eggs  18 - 20 days
Black-Headed Caiques  Pionites Melanocephala Melanocephala / Pionites Melanocephalus 3 Eggs 25 - 27 Days
Blossom-Headed Parakeets  Psittacula Roseata 4 - 6 Eggs 22 - 24 Days
Blue And Gold Macaws 2 - 3 Eggs 25 - 29 Days
Blue fronted Amazons  Amazona aestiva aestiva 3 - 4 eggs  26 - 28 days
Blue-bellied Parrots / Purple-bellied Parrots / Purple-breasted Parrots  Triclaria malachitacea 3 - 5 eggs  25 - 30 days
Blue-eyed Cockatoo  Cacatua ophthalmica) 2 eggs 30 days
Blue-headed Pionus or Red-vented Parrot  Pionus menstruus 3 - 5 eggs   24 - 26 days
Blue-naped Parrot aka Luzon Parrot or Philippine Green Parrots  Tanygnathus lucionensis lucionensis 2 - 3 eggs  25 days
Blue-rumped Parrots  Psittinus cyanurus 3 - 5 eggs  26 days
Blue-Throated Macaw Aka Caninde Macaw Or Wagler's Macaw 1 - 4 Eggs 24 - 27 Days
Bodin's or Bodinus' Amazons  Amazona festiva bodina 3 eggs  28 days
Bronze-winged Pionus / Parrots  Pionus chalcopterus 3 - 4 eggs  27 days
Brown-Headed Parrot  Poicephalus Cryptoxanthus 2 - 4 Eggs 26 Days
Budgerigar  Melopsittacus undulatus 4 - 8 eggs  18 days
Buffon’s Macaws 2 - 4 Eggs 25 - 27 Days
Canary-Winged Parakeet  Brotogeris Versicolorus 3 - 6 Eggs 23 - 26 Days
Carnaby's White-tailed Black Cockatoos Sub-Species / Races Including Nominate: baudinii, tenuirostris, funereus, xanthonotus ... White-eared Cockatoos 1 - 2 eggs 28 - 30 days
Cloncurry Parrots  Platycercus barnardi macgillivrayi 4 eggs  20 - 21 days
Cockatiels  Nymphicus hollandicus 4 - 7 eggs  18 - 21 days
Crimson Rosella  Platycercus elegans 4 - 7 eggs 20 - 21 days
Cuban Amazons  Amazona leucocephala leucocephala 3 - 5 eggs  24 - 28 days
Culebra Island Amazons Amazona vittata gracilipes 2 - 4 eggs  25 - 27 days
Derbyan Parakeets  Psittacula Derbiana 2 - 4 Eggs 23 - 28 Days
Dominican Amazons or Red-necked Amazon Parrots Amazona arausiaca 1 - 3 eggs  28 days
Double-yellow Heads or Mexican Double Yellow-head Amazons  Amazona ocrocephala oratrix 2 - 4 eggs  26 - 28 days
Ducorp's Cockatoos  Cacatua ducorpsii  2 - 4 eggs  26 - 28 days
Dusky Parrot  Pionus fuscus 3 - 5 eggs   24 - 26 days
Eastern Rosella  Platycercus eximius 4 - 9 eggs 18 - 21 days
Emerald-Collared Parakeets  Psittacula Calthorpae 3 - 4 Eggs 23 Days
Equador Amazons or Lesson's Amazons  Amazona autumnalis lilacina 3 eggs  26 days
Festive Amazons  Amazona festiva festiva 3 eggs  28 days
Finsch's Amazons  Amazona finschi 3 eggs  26 days
Galahs  Eolophus roseicapillus: assimilis, roseicapillus 3 - 6 eggs  20 - 24 days
Gang-gang Cockatoos  Callocephalon fimbriatum 2 - 3 eggs  24 - 28 days
Glossy Cockatoos  Calyptorhynchus lathami 1 egg  ~ 29 days
Goffin's Cockatoos  Cacatua goffini 2 - 4 eggs  21 - 26 days
Golden-Winged Parakeet  Brotogeris Chrysopterus 3 - 4 Eggs 24 - 26 Days
Great Billed Parrots  Tanygnathus megalorhynchos 2 eggs  28 days
Greater Vasa Parrots  Coracopsis vasa 2 - 4 eggs 17 days
Green Rosella  Platycercus caledonicus 5 - 9 eggs 21 days
Green-cheeked or Red-crowned Amazons  Amazona viridigenalis 4 eggs  26 - 28 days
Green-Winged Macaws 1 - 3 Eggs 26 - 28 Days
Grey-Cheeked Parakeet  Brotogeris Pyrrhopterus 3 - 6 Eggs 22 - 26 Days
Ground Parrot aka Ground Parakeet  Pezoporos wallicus 3 - 4 eggs  20 - 21 days
Hawk-headed Parrots  Deroptyus accipitrinus accipitrinus 2 - 4 eggs  25 - 28 days
Hispaniolan Amazon Parrots or San Domingo Amazons  Amazona ventralis 3 - 4 eggs  25 - 29 days
Horned Parakeets  Eunymphicus cornutus 2 - 4 eggs  21 - 23 days
Hyacinth Macaws 2 Eggs 26 - 29 Days
Illiger’s Macaws 2 - 4 Eggs 24 - 26 Days
Imperial Amazons  Amazona imperialis 1 - 2 eggs
Indian Ring-Necked Parakeets  Psittacula Krameri Manillensis 3 - 5 Eggs 23 Days
Jardine's Parrots  Poicephalus Gulielmi Gulielmi 3 - 4 Eggs 28 Days
King Parakeet  Alisterus scapularis 3 - 6 eggs  20 days
Kuhl's Cape Parrots Or Brown-Necked Parrots  Poicephalus Robustus Fuscicollis 3 - 4 Eggs 28 - 30 Days
Leadbeater's or Major Mitchell's Cockatoos aka Pink Cockatoo, Cacatua leadbeateri  Cacatua leadbeateri: leadbeateri, mollis 3 - 4 eggs  22 - 26 days
Lesser Sulphur-crested Cockatoos or Yellow-crested Cockatoos  Cacatua sulphurea: abbotti, citrinocristata, djampeana, occidentalis, parvula, sulphurea 3 - 5 eggs  22 - 27 days
Lesser Vasa Parrots  Coracopsis nigra 2 - 5 eggs 14 days 
Lineolated Parakeets  Bolborhynchus lineola 3 - 6 eggs  18 - 20 days
Long-billed Corellas  Cacatua tenuirostris: tenuirostris 2 - 4 eggs  24 - 28 days
Long-Tailed Parakeets  Psittacula Longicauda 2 - 4 Eggs 23 Days
Lovebirds  Agapornis 4 - 6 eggs  22 - 25 days
Malabar Parakeets  Psittacula Columboides 3 - 5 Eggs 23 Days
Mallee Ringneck Parrots or Barnard's Parakeets  Platycercus barnardi barnardi aka Barnardius barnardi barnardi 4 - 6 eggs  20 - 21 days
Maroon-fronted Parrots  Rhynchopsitta terrisi 1 - 3 eggs  24 - 26 days
Masked Shining Parakeets  Prosopeia personata 2 - 4 eggs  24 - 25 days
Maximilian's Parrot  Pionus maximiliani 3 - 5 eggs   24 - 26 days
Mealy Amazons  Amazona farinosa farinosa 3 eggs  24 - 28 days
Meyer's Or Brown Parrots  Poicephalus Meyeri 3 - 4 Eggs 26 Days
Military 2 - 3 Eggs 24 - 26 Days
Moluccan Cockatoos or Salmon-crested Cockatoos  Cacatua moluccensis 2 eggs  28 - 30 days
Mountain Parakeets  Bolborhynchus aurifrons 2 eggs  23 days
Moustached Parakeets  Psittacula Alexandri 2 - 4 Eggs 22 Days
Night Parakeet  Geopsittacus occidentalis 4 - 5 eggs 
Northern Rosella  Platycercus venustus 5 - 7 eggs 19 - 21 days
Orange-Chinned Parakeet  Brotogeris Jugularis 4 - 6 Eggs 21 - 26 Days
Orange-winged Amazons  Amazona amazonica amazonica 3 - 5 eggs  25 - 27 days
Pale-headed Rosella  Platycercus adscitus 3 - 5 eggs 22 - 24 days
Pallid Caiques  Pionites Melanocephala Pallida 3 Eggs 25 - 27 Days
Palm Cockatoos  Probosciger aterrimus: aterrimus, goliath, stenolophus 1 egg  28 - 31 days
Panama Yellow-fronted Amazon Parrots or simply Panama Amazons  Amazona ochrocephala panamensis 3 eggs  26 days
Pileated Parrot or Red-capped Parrots Pionopsitta pileata 3 - 4 eggs  24 - 25 days
Plain Parakeet  Brotogeris Tirica 4 - 6 Eggs 22 - 23 Days
Plum-crowned Parrot or Restless Parrot  Pionus tumultuosus 3 - 5 eggs   24 - 27 days
Plum-Headed Parakeets  Psittacula Cyanocephala 4 - 6 Eggs 19 - 23 Days
Port Lincoln Parrots  Barnardius / Platycercus zonarius 4 - 7 eggs  21 days
Princess Parakeet  Polytelis alexandrae 4 - 7 eggs  20 - 21 days
Quaker or Monk Parrot  Myiopsitta monachus 4 - 8 eggs  24 - 28 days
Red Shining Parrots  Prosopeia tabuensis 2 - 4 eggs  24 - 25 days
Red-Bellied Parrot or Abessinian Parrot Or Orange-Bellied Parrots Poicephalus Rufiventris 3 Eggs 24 - 26 Days
Red-billed Pionus Parrot aka Sordid Parrot  Pionus sordidus sordidus 3 eggs   26 days
Red-browed Amazons  Amazona rhodocorytha 4 eggs  24 days
Red-capped Parakeet  Purpureicephalus spurius 4 - 6 eggs  20 days
Red-Fronted 1 - 4 Eggs 25 - 27 Days
Red-fronted Parakeet  Cyanoramphus novaezealandia 3 - 9 eggs  20 days
Red-lored Parrots, also known as Primrose-cheeked Amazons  Amazona autumnalis autumnalis 3 eggs  26 days
Red-tailed Amazons  Amazona brasiliensa 2 - 4 eggs  26 - 28 days
Red-tailed Cockatoos  Calyptorhynchus magnificus: macrorhynchus, magnificus, naso, samueli 1 - 3 eggs  28 - 31 days
Red-vented Cockatoos  Cacatua haematuropygia 2 - 4 eggs  24 - 29 days
Red-winged Parakeet  Aprosmictus erythropterus 3 - 6 eggs  21 days
Regent Parakeet  Polytelis anthropeplus 3 - 7 eggs  22 - 23 days
Rose-Ringed Parakeets  Psittacula Krameri 3 - 6 Eggs 23 Days
Rüppel's Parrots  Poicephalus Rueppellii 3 - 4 Eggs 27 Days
Saint Vincent Amazon Parrots or Guilding's Amazons  Amazona guildingi 2 - 3 eggs  25 - 26 days
Salvin's Amazons  Amazona autumnalis salvini 3 eggs  26 days
Scarlet 2 - 4 Eggs 25 - 27 Days
Senegal Parrots  Poicephalus Senegalus 2 - 4 Eggs 27 Days
Severe 2 - 5 Eggs 24 - 26 Days
Short-tailed Parrots  Graydidascalus brachyurus 3 - 4 eggs  24 - 25 days
Sierra Parakeets  Bolborhynchus aymara 4 - 6 eggs 20 - 24 days
Slate-Headed Parakeets  Psittacula Himalayana 4 - 6 Eggs 24 - 25 Days
Slender-billed or Bare-eyed Cockatoo or Little Corella  Cacatua sanguinea: normantomi, sanguinea 2 - 3 eggs  21 - 27 days
Spectacled or White-fronted Amazons  Amazona albifrons albifrons 3 - 4 eggs  24 - 26 days
Sulphur-crested Cockatoos  Cacatua galerita: eleanora, fitzroyi, galerita, triton 2 - 4 eggs  22 - 28 days
Superb Parakeet  Polytelis swainsonii 4 - 6 eggs  20 - 22 days
Swift Parakeet  Lathamus discolor 2 - 5 eggs  20 days
Thick-billed Parrots  Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha 1 - 2 eggs  24 - 28 days
Timneh Parrots Psittacus erithacus timneh 3 - 4 eggs  28 days
Triton Cockatoo  Cacatua galerita triton aka Cacatua triton 2 - 3 eggs  25 - 27 days
Tucuman Amazons  Amazona tucumana 3 - 4 eggs  23 - 27 days
Tui Parakeet  Brotogeris Sanctithomae 4 - 6 Eggs 21 - 23 Days
Twenty-Eight Parrots  Barnardius zonarius semitorquatus 4 eggs  20 - 21 days
Umbrella Cockatoo or White Cockatoos  Cacatua alba 2 eggs  27 - 29 days
Vinaceous Amazons  Amazona vinacea 2 - 4 eggs  28 days
Western Rosella  Platycercus icterotis 3 - 8 eggs 20 days
White-Bellied Caiques  Pionites Leucogaster Leucogaster 3 Eggs 23 - 27 Days
White-capped Pionus or Massena's Parrot  Pionus senilis 3 - 6 eggs   28 days 
White-fronted Amazons  Amazona albifrons albifrons 3 - 4 eggs  24 - 26 days
Yellow Rosella  Platycercus flaveolus 4 - 5 eggs 22 days
Yellow-billed Amazon Parrots or Red-throated Amazons  Amazona collaria 2 - 4 eggs  26 days
Yellow-Collared 3 - 4 Eggs 24 - 26 Days
Yellow-crowned or Yellow-fronted Amazons  Amazona ochrocephala ocrocephala 2 - 3 eggs  26 - 28 days
Yellow-faced Amazons  Amazona xanthops 2 - 4 eggs  26 days
Yellow-fronted or Yellow-crowned Parakeets  Cyanoramphus auriceps 5 - 9 eggs  19 days
Yellow-lored Amazons  Amazona xantholora 3 - 5 eggs  26 days
Yellow-naped Amazons  Amazona ochrocephala auropalliata 2 - 3 eggs  26 - 28 days
Yellow-shouldered Amazons  Amazona barbadensis barbadensis 3 - 4 eggs  26 - 28 days
Yellow-Thighed Caiques  Pionites Leucogaster Xanthomeria 3 Eggs 24 - 27 Days
Yellow-winged Amazons  Amazona aestiva xanthopteryx 3 - 4 eggs  25 days 


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  2. Well this is exactly what I need. Thanks for your valuable information.

  3. My friend is going to hatch and raise some eggs. I think she'll need this post to find which kind of eggs should she hatch and raise. Thank you!


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